Where to fly? Acquiring market targets

Obviously the devil is always in the details. Credit is typically a commodity good and it’s hard to compete in an environment where competitors are willing to offer negative rates due to liquidity mining.

Not to say it’s impossible, though. Let me think on it a bit. Jet is probably well-placed to sell itself as a qualified intermediary to someone like Maker who cannot generate DAI natively on Solana, but has an interest in capturing market share. Not sure how the mechanics of that would work though. But acting like a commercial bank with access to the Fed and arbing rates to retail could be a doable strategy

Hi, I really like this discussion and read amazing ideas (NFT lending, gaming, lending acording to your reputation, p2p, etc.) which seem to still requiere some work and testing to see how they would work. I think I read it in one post, or got the idea from it, and I think that where Jet should fly, should be towards increasing revenue and have all its major efforts there.

At the moment if you don´t know much about Defi you won´t start lending/ borrowing. The advantages that one protocol, (ROI, UX, UI) has from each other aren´t huge to make a lot of people move their funds, so to get new money in is a hard task.

One way I thought could be, are where big volumes of money flow. That would be in exchanges, companies, plataforms which are already doing the hardwork of introducing new people to crypto by doing a simple bank deposit, they offer the exchange, they offer credit card to use with Visa WW and spend your crypto, cash back programs, etc. And Jet could go in there adding a lending/ borrowing feature with a great UX which would be a win - win for Jet and which ever exchange. And in my little experience in crypto, when something works and pays off there is no need for marketing at all, the users and money just flows.

At the moment and in my opinion, no blockchain has proven to be superior to any in all aspects (fees, speed, volume, etc), so Jet should definitely go multi chain. Going back to the exchange, I bet that in the future the UX would be awesome to be able to lend/ borrow in any blockchain and avoid to say to the user “Sorry we don´t support eth tokens” or whatever.

In summary, partnerships to make Jet take part of other plataforms would increase revenue and get the protocol known by offering a product to this Exchanges or Companies the lendind/ borrowing feature powered by Jet, would be huge.

Rebounding on @Ignaaaa29 message above about cross-chain

Will definitely bring on some complexities and likely risks but what about developing something like what Aave looks to do in the future?
You deposit/lock collateral on any chain (excluding Solana) and borrow directly on Solana via Jet.

I could imagine SOL refractors being more open to lock their assets on a L2, sidechain, AVAX or whatever and withdraw the borrowed assets directly on Solana

Liquidations may be risky, would need to be able to identify a SOL wallet from the native chain wallet you locked your assets with. Could it be done with Wormhole?

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