[solved] Missing fixed market borrow positions

Can’t see my fixed borrow positions in the app.
Account history:

~80 SOL positions missing.

Also can’t see the positions in the JET Cockpit.

Tx for the “15/9/2023, 1:03 AM” (first) position
As I see the mint address is 79iddGZRYnwFR63oe3hho4hLLdugDuYDnGv7KoGXNfFn which should be 1 Day SOL Market.

Also 30 Day SOL Market positions missing:
Tx for the “15/9/2023, 1:21 AM” (last) position
7eESDQVJVJS5jddr7wnUo5tjTWDidQqDWJvPvJNgHHrd should be the 30 Day SOL Market.


In all markets.


Hey hey
Thanks for the details provided
Lets ping any dev and see what they can do
cc @nevi-me


@ivan were you able to solve the issue?


nope, still can’t see (and so interact) with my positions

slowly becomes more critical as SOL price goes up, my liq. risk lvl increases, already red
i would very gladly close the positions

respectively I thought that these would be closed automatically? and i just need to settle the funds

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i hope the bug is quickly identified and fixed

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Hey @Ivan, do you see your positions here? Jet Cockpit

I checked with a few positions and I can see them on my end. Do you also mind checking the UI again?

No, I don’t see my positions in the Jet cockpit. You can see them?

I can’t see my positions from 15.9.23 aren’t there.

I have made a clip from the UI on my side.

I meant that I can see my orders, which I suppose isn’t helpful in this case.

I’ve been taking a look, I’ve found your positions on-chain, so I’m now looking at why we’re not seeing them on the UI.

Your account should show 2 liabilities/claims

  1. Transaction History | zA3QZ6yzU4ytNgouyQjvsX389MD8Rq5a7VnGgf3qJr8 | Solana
  2. Transaction History | 9B4znJnxesQtkckJiNftFjeXcMT5AXitW54KcYKxg7Mr | Solana

I’m aware that there’s a UI inconsistency that sometimes doesn’t settle matched positions, so I suspect that it might be that too.

Do you mind going to this version of the UI (https://ui-force-settle.jet-v2.pages.dev/), and then clicking on “Settle” on the fixed term markets for SOL in the mean time?

I did, nothing changed.

Forced settle on 30d and 1d SOL.
first tx for 30D SOL force claim

second tx for 30D SOL force claim

Now the Account History looks like this:

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Hmm, small bug worth fixing. It’s because there was 0 amounts settled.

I’m really sorry about the inconvenience, and our delay in resolving this. I’m going to keep going through the data tonight and tomorrow morning, and I’ll give you feedback over the weekend.

That there was nothing settled tells me that the positions should be appearing on the UI, so I’m going to look at our transaction parser to see what’s going on. It’s going to take me a bit of a while.


Hey @ivan we’ve had a look at the issue, and it was likely a problem with our fixed term crank. Looking at this transaction: https://explorer.solana.com/tx/4PhEdcE7ZP6g9Wfx8b9fsGtjbj94zFrx1oeVPK5R9dobtZ7dRMfTcwf1796QZi46JWnuYdGGpvwWqMYbppxnDQVj, the crank eventually settled your transaction. Would you be able to check if your account looks fine now?


Yes, all fine now. Thank you!


Hello there !
I would highly appreciate a bit of help as I am pulling my hair out with my issue. I used Jet back in 2021 with a bunch of other protocols on Sol. I seem to have misplaced 22 Sol. I am guaranteed I never took them out of my wallet and never sol them but can’t seem to find them anywhere… I had a look at my onchain transactions on my wallet and they seem to have gone through JET and are still on an address I found but i’m not sure if this is a JET wallet or not… Could you possibly advice…?

Have you checked on Step finance? You can see your portfolio manager there and see where your funds are

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Yes checked on Step finance and nothing. Thanks though.

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Okay! Have you checked v1 jet?

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" I found but i’m not sure if this is a JET wallet or not" - post the wallet so the team can tell you


Yes checked V1 and nothing…


Yes good idea. I was waiting for someone from the Jet team to reply to me first but might aswell post it now…
This is the wallet where they are 7gpj9cpzBBW9Ci1yMwWz7iGbQYpm5fZmadNQyrYsqch8 and below are 2 links which show the transactions from my wallet…



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Here is the transaction on Solana explorer