What do you want to get notifications on?

If you can receive push notifications like we do in the Web2 world, what’s the most important event/metric you want to get notifications on? Or maybe you don’t want to get notified. And if this feature is implemented, yes you will need to provide an email address or download a mobile app from the app store (email and private info are encrypted).

  • Daily Collateral Ratio(or weekly)
  • Low Collateral Ratio (i.e. when C-Ratio falls below 135%)
  • Liquidation Event(when you get liquidated)
  • Interest Rate Spikes (i.e. when USDC borrow rate spikes to 75%)
  • Good Arbitrage Opportunities
  • No Notifications

0 voters


Even though Liquidation event is one of the lower %, I don’t think it rates that low. I’d vote for it second if we could do preferential voting, and I think most people would as well.

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Okay we will vote again. At this time, we just want to get a sense of what type of notifications are important to people so we can prioritize our work.

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The poll has been closed.